Sunday 26 February 2012

Wedding Dinner

*A replacement post for yesterday

It was a breaking heart day again as I had to attend my friend's wedding dinner. Why do I say so? Well, I was going to meet friend's who know me and also my ex-girl friend. A bit awkward to answer their questions about my relationship matters. It did happen and I could only smile and say that we were no longer together. A friend, Ms. F kept on asking about the details and suggest to introduce her girl friend to me. I was really don't know how to response and I said I was tired. Luckily she was the only one asking about it. However, it was a bit awkward to answer in front of my good friend, Ms. W who declared her love to me before.

Actually, I was late for the dinner. As expected, the dinner was not begun even though I was late for an hour of the stated time in the invitation card. Everything was still fine at the beginning. However, I was suffering from a bad stomach ache during the dinner. I went to the washroom for a couples of time to ease the problem. At last, I chose to go back home at the mid of the wedding dinner.

When I was planning to sms Ms. W and Ms. F that I left the dinner due to my sickness. Ms. F called me to ask about my condition. I was grateful to receive her call and I felt that I still like her. I like her because of her intelligence and care. I thought of to be together with her. However, I think we should just to be good friend because I felt sorry to her and I don't want to make her disappointing again. At this moment, I think I am suitable to be single and alone.

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