Friday 24 February 2012

Night Drink

Today I join a "single man" gang. We have 5 of us all together. We went to have our drinks at a cafe at night. In fact, I just come back from the tea chat for some times.

Accidentally I met my ex-company/internship supervisor/manager. He is in his 40s, married. He was waiting for his son from a tuition class and going to fetch her daughter later. 
(Perspective: Normal, successful, complete MAN)

At the same, I noticed that my "single man" gang, 2 of them are in their 40s. Of course they are single and available. They were free and joining us for the tea and chat. They wore short pants and T-shirt.
(Perspective: Weird, lonely, incomplete MAN)

It makes me worrying of becoming a single man. I  just think I could have a mate. A soul mate! Where are you, buddy? 

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