Monday 6 February 2012

Kitchen feng shui

*A replacement post for last 2 days

Recently I did some research on feng shui due to my new house is readied for renovation and moved in. Here are some tips extracted from internet about kitchen feng shui.

    >Don't locate the kitchen in the front of your home or facing the front door - This kills any positive chi attempting to enter your house.
    >Don't place the kitchen facing a bedroom - The chi energy of the kitchen is yang and conflicts with the yin energy of the bedroom. This kind of configuration results in family members constantly being sick.
    >Don't place the sink beside the range or oven - This water element extinguishes the beneficial fire energy.
    >Don't place the refrigerator beside the oven or range - Same affect as the sink.
    >Don't locate the oven or range in the Northwest sector known as "Heaven's Gate" - Good luck energy resides in the Northwest direction and is the last place you want to set on fire.
    >Don't locate your kitchen in the center of your home.
    >Keep pantry doors closed at all times.
    >Don't place your kitchen below an upstairs bathroom or facing a toilet - Water and waste destroys the auspicious chi.
    >Make sure the living room, dining room and kitchen areas are all on the same level.
    >Don't leave brooms and mops out - Keep these stored in closets.
    >Don't let dirty dishes pile up.
    >Shape of kitchen layout should be a rectangle - Avoid a round-shaped kitchen.
    >If a laundry area is located in or beside the kitchen don't allow dirty clothes to pile up.
    >Don't hang a towel through the oven handle.

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