Sunday 19 February 2012


*A replacement post for yesterday

Pictures say thousand of words. This lady is very popular now. She should ask her question in a proper manner since she is a political party representative. How does she make people to trust her in solving problem in a rationale way in future? I doubt so......

Besides, her fact was a bit ridiculous. Hopefully she can learn from her mistake this time. Think carefully before you can talk convincingly.

“林首长,我是半个槟城人。你刚才讲说,你要减轻人民的负担;第二, 你们赚了很多钱。我要告诉你,你误导人民!因为门牌税起价,所有东西都起价!”“包括,十点半晚上上,我亲眼看到两次,十点半,整条路已经没有车了,但 是,你还叫你们的执法人员拖车!导致在那边打架,头破血流!”“这个,你要怎样去解释?这叫做减轻人民的负担吗?”

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