Monday 1 July 2013

Busy Ceremony 1 Jun

*A replacement post for 1 Jun 2013

A busy ceremony was the thing that I could recall for the 3rd day after dad's death.

Many people came to pay their last respect to dad. Relatives, friends, neighbours and etc...... 4 of my best friends and some friends turned up as well. It was really touching as most of them were from outstations and supported both spiritually and monetary. I was busy in managing the condolences tokens from everyone and preparing the ang pow that to be distributed after the funeral on the next day. 

We did put an obituary in newspaper and there was a friend of dad called to ask for confirmation on the news. The obituary was quite expensive actually and I was not sure how effective was the information was being disseminated. 

At night, we had Sutra chanting again. A community group did support on the Sutra chanting as well.

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