Sunday 30 June 2013

Sad and Crying 31 May

*A replacement post for 31 May 2013

I quietly cried when thought of the last breakfast prepared by dad. He was fine in that morning. I complained a bit on the sticky food and dad helped mixing it with water. Also I recalled the last bun he prepared to me......

Mum cried when calling dad for breakfast in the early morning praying session.

Sister and I went to the cemetery for ash compartment selection. Big aunt and uncle accompanied us. We chose the compartment at the eyes level which facing a small garden and it was the most expensive category among the rest. The area is at the right when walking in to the ash compartments storage building which is considered good according to aunt. Left/right which I can't really remembered represents dragon which is a good sign.

At night, we had pray and Sutra chanting session. Many people cried when singing the memorial song. Dad, I miss you!

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