Tuesday 2 July 2013

"Gold" Pick 3 Jun

*A replacement post for 3 Jun 2013

We went to the crematorium for "gold" pick. Previously I thought the body will be burnt into ash after cremated. Then the family members were being asked to grab the ash into the ash container. In actual condition, there were small pieces of bones remained after cremated. We had to use chopsticks to pick the bones into the container. This was so called "gold" pick. Those extra ash will be poured to the sea.

Later, I carried the container and allocated it at the ash compartment. Then we did the prayer. Mum cried at the moment as it was kinda a hard time for her.

At that night (if not mistaken), mum was still a bit emotional. She get angry to the niece on a small matter and she cried. We were quite worried about her.

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