Tuesday 2 July 2013

Soul Day 7th 5 Jun

*A replacement post for 5 Jun 2013

I called the agent. She was helpful and responsible. She helped to fill in the claim application forms, let mum signed, collected the supporting documents from me, submitted documents to the insurance HQ and returned the original death certificate to me.

I asked for the procedure to claim the money from dad's current account. I was being told that the claim only can be done at the branch where account was opened. Maximum claim is only 5k. Supporting document is death certificate and marriage certificate. Besides, I only knew my old cheque book was still valid when I was asking for a new cheque book. At that time I only knew that there is a form in the cheque book to be submitted for the application of new cheque book.

I visited the branch. An agent approached me while I was waiting for my turn for the customer service. I asked him about the fund issues. Later, I settled dad and my funds issues with the desk officer. Joint holder or main holder of funds can be cancelled if one of them was dead based on the terms and conditions. Of course the individual holder fund I can't do anything on it.

I requested for the application of dad's postmortem report at the Record Department in the hospital. It ended up I had to submit the application form at another day as mum's signature and IC were needed although I had the other supporting documents with me.

I was being advised by the officer to sell the gold before the bank freeze the account. However, the account will only be frozen after it is inactive for about a year. How to sell? The gold price was too low at the moment. Also, the minimum remaining gold in the account is 2grammes. Account closure is again needed both to sign.

Stationary Shop:
I bought a few parking ticket booklets for backup as I used up some of them in that 2 days.

It was day 7th of dad's death. We had prayer at night for dad's soul visit. Again, something weird was occurred. The neighbours' dogs barked loudly and moderate strong wind blew when we burned the candles and joysticks outside the house. I hope I was not over sensitive but it was true. 

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