Tuesday 2 July 2013

Banking Issues 4 Jun

*A replacement post for 4 Jun 2013

Mum and I went to settle on the banking matters. As heard from friends and relatives, the shared banking accounts will be frozen if one of the account holder was found deceased. Then the claim process will become complicated and tedious.

Therefore we quickly went to withdraw all of the money from the shared accounts as most of them are the account with the condition of either one to sign. After that, we transferred the money to the newly opened accounts without telling the banks officers about dad's death. Most of the banking issues were successfully settled. Unfortunately we were not able to close the shared accounts as it required both to sigh for account termination. Therefore we had to leave a few dollars in those accounts.

After all of the money was successfully transferred. We asked for the claim of money from one of dad's individual saving account. The procedure was moderate complicated. Original death certificate and marriage certificate (mum as the beneficiary), 2 witnesses photocopy ICs and signatures. Luckily we managed to get help from a relative who stays very near to the bank as one of the witness besides me. We went to get signature and take IC from her and let the bank officer to photocopy. The bank told us that the processing day will be one or two. We can collect the cheque from the bank later.

Overall, all of the banks services were satisfactory as we got most of our tasks done. There is one bank that has a poorer policy and offer. It offered lower fixed deposit interest rate with longer maturity months. The minimum money to be kept in the saving account is higher than other banks as well.

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