Friday 30 December 2011

Wisdom Tooth

Today morning I went to have my wisdom tooth extraction. My mum accompanied me to the clinic as well. She urged me to have my tooth extraction to be done in the morning to avoid the active blood flowing at noon. The reason is quite convincing as the high temperature weather may increase our blood circulation.

The dentist was a bit rushing in performing his task. Perhaps it is his charisma. He kept on talking without giving me chance to ask question. Perhaps, he had a couple of appointments with his clients later or he was trying to reduce my nervousness. In fact I was not afraid at all.

The dentist wore a face mask all the time that I couldn't see his face. I am wondering how do his teeth look like since he is a dentist. Now I aware that it is hardly to see a dentist's teeth in the clinic. Any secret behind it? Haha! (perhaps he/she does not have a nice teeth)

The operation was about half an hour only. Firstly, the dentist injected medicine to my gum to make it numb. Later, I felt that he was digging and sawing on my tooth. After that, he tried to press on my tooth in different angles to make the tooth to be loosen. After that, he pulled out my wisdom tooth with a clamp. Eventually he gave a stitch on my wound. Of course he gave me a bite on a cotton to stop the wound bleeding and some antibiotic+pain killer as medicine to bring back home.

I had to bite on the cotton for about an hour before I gaggle my mouth with ice water. Now, I only can eat soft and cooled food within these two days. Surprisingly I did not feel any pain on the wound at this moment. I only felt a bit headache in the afternoon perhaps I was a bit dehydrated. Therefore I drank a plenty of water later. 

Oh, forgot to tell you people about the cost. It costs me RM550. It is really expensive. I still have another wisdom tooth which is needed to be extracted. BLEEDING both of my gum and wallet!

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