Sunday 11 December 2011

Single Weird

Anything wrong to become a single man when you are getting older? Is it a compulsory to get married and to construct your own family?

By the time I chose to break up with my girl friend, I was prepared on the society pressure of getting married in future. However, I never expect that it is coming so soon. Hey, come on! I was just failed in a relationship. I told myself I will not go into a relationship easily in future. Unless, I really could find the ONE who is really compatible. I took a lesson this time. I should not hurt myself and others anymore. I want to live for myself. Please...... I hope you can understand me. I need some time to think. I need to breath. I need to calm down.

OMG, my heart is really pain now. Again, I can feel my tears is flowing around in my eyes. I want to be who I am. Let me choose my own path. PLEASE......

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