Monday 5 December 2011

Break Up

Eventually, I broke up with my girl friend yesterday.

I was still indecisive yesterday until she posted her comment on me to her facebook's wall. I was totally disappointing that she acted in an immature way. No matter how, this is a personal stuff. I don't think it should be broadcasted to people. What is her intention? Perhaps, she feel imbalance that she was being dumped by me in this way. However, it is not the issue of who is dumping who......the reality is we are not compatible......we should move on rather than torturing each others......

I know you hate me. You hate me for not putting effort in maintaining the relationship. However, I did try but I just cannot convinced myself to continue the relationship. I was really uncomfortable in this relationship. Sorry to say that you let me felt more stressful. You held me tighter and I avoided you further. Nobody was willing to tolerate when there was a conflict occurrence. This was repeating again and again. A healthy fight is good but what we had were a lot of deep holes which cannot be recovered forever. Therefore, I chose to end it. I hope you understand.

Lastly, I sincerely hope you can find your true love soon. 

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