Wednesday 21 December 2011

Elder Brother & Ex-girlfriend

*A replacement post for last 2 days

I had my dinner with my buddy after came back from Johore last two days. He is like an elder brother of me. He came to fetch me at my house after his work. Besides, I received a pack of dried mango from him as he just came back from his business trip last Saturday. We chatted happily in "Face to Face" for about 3 hours.

Actually on that day, my ex-girlfriend called me via her 4G line which was very unclear. Besides, she did email, FB and sms me as well. I was not sure about her intention. She told me that her mobile phone line was stunned for a few days due to the line ownership transfer to me. She claimed that she sent a lot of sms to me which I did not reply whereby other people managed to received them from her 4G line. She asked me to wait at home for her friend who was going to pass a parcel on behalf of her to me. She said she can't trace her friend's contact number when I was asking for it (She asked me to confirm with her friend what time I was at home at the same time). She said her friend will be late. She said she was alone in the office. She said she was busy and do not want to FB anymore and she gonna go home. She kept on scolding me for this and that. Pyscho......

OMG, this was really a big trouble.

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