Sunday 29 January 2012

Unimates Gathering

*A replacement post for yesterday

We had our Chinese new year gathering at a well known temple this year. I met up with my university mates again. We used to be very good friends, housemates and schoolmates.

Memories...... We had a great time during our university's life. We used to have our supper together. We used to play DOTA together. We used to travel around together. Classes, celebrations, events, examinations, projects...... It is really a mixed memory of joyful and sadness when together with my buddies who are truthful, real and "brotherness" during our university's time.

One of my friend gave us a "brunch" treat as we went to pay him a visit. Haha......but I believe that he is affordable to treat us a 50bucks meal. Thank you buddy!

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