Tuesday 24 January 2012

CNY 1st Day

*A replacement post for yesterday

Yesterday, it was the first day of Lunar New Year. 

In the morning, I just went to visit a few of my relatives in Petaling Jaya and Shah Alam. At night, I went to pay a visit at the family hall for worshipping Buddha.

There were a few seniors chatted with us in the hall. However, I was sorry to see that there were only 3 of them over there to guard or maintain on the oil lights and joysticks throughout the first 5 days of Chinese new year. This was due to couples number of seniors were independent themselves from this central Buddha society. I am not sure about the concrete reason about the incident but I think that they should not do that......because I think Buddha will never want us to have conflict among each and everyone of us. We should be work together and help each other without any hesitation all the time. 

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