Saturday 22 June 2013

2nd Floor Flooded

*A replacement post for 21 May 2013

It was a freestyle dance in that week. We used the Samsung commercial advertisement song - I Love It. It was fun and interesting as I like these type of dance. Lively and energetic. However, I felt my legs muscles slowly to become painful when I reached home.

Late at night, my 2nd floor house was flooded with water. It was a bit unbelievable right? It was because dad forget to turn off the water pipe in their washroom and the drainage hole was being blocked by the water pail. As a result, it caused the flood at 2nd floor. Luckily it didn't flow to the lower floor. We were trying to clean and dry up all of the bedroom floor. I was totally exhausted. It was quite suffering because my legs muscles were really painful when I was trying to clean up the mess.

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