Wednesday 12 September 2012

Hatred Anger Pyscho

I have these feelings today. Hatred...... Anger...... Pyscho......

Ladies, can you show your nice attitude to me? 

You are pushing me away from lady further. You are trying to let me know that lady is no longer as simple as previous days. Money oriented...... Demanding...... demanding...... demanding...... Stupid...... Love is no longer the reason for a couple to be together. I can't foresee the happily ever after future anymore. 同甘共苦 is no longer applicable in today's couples.

Earn more while you are still young...... Hey, you thought I am stupid? Earn more is just to fulfill your greediness and pride only. Had you ever think at people's point of view or situation? I am done with all these! My heart is full with hatred and anger. I am a bit pyscho again. Can you please let me live peacefully? I have my own way to live! Mind your own business. Go to control your husband instead of me. Women always like to control their men. I think I should invent something which is able to prohibit women from controlling their men.

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