Monday 17 September 2012

Flaunt one's seniority

How much does a promise worth?

Recently I have dealt with several people about the house renovation matter. There are various kind of people. However, I am quite sick to deal with those people who never keep their words.

Most of them did not turn up to carry out their task on the scheduled date. I am wondering what were the reasons? Are they too busy? Are they poor in planning? Are they lack of good management system?

Basically they are the one who plan out the date. Eventually they just did not turn up on that day and not even a re-schedule memo or call from them. Therefore we did continuous follow up with them. There is one contractor delayed his installation work for a day initially up until a week now. What the heck! I am sure he will not success in his business in the future. Also, such a terrible attitude he has. Arrogant! Don't think that you are experience and you knew everything. Flaunt one's age or seniority - 倚老卖老.

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