Saturday 3 May 2014

Pending Bills 23 Mac

*A replacement post for 23 Mac 2014

We went to old house to discuss with our tenant about the pending outstanding balance of utilities bills (Electricity, water and sewage). Unfortunately the tenant was not at home. The only contactable number (tenant's wife mobile number) cannot be reached as well when we called in front of the house. We were in worry as we seldom see the tenant for quite some time. However, we felt quite secure as we could see clothes were still hanging around the car porch area.

Later, I together with mum and nieces went to eat mashed potatoes and wedges in the nearby KFC. In fact, we were trying luck to meet the tenant's daughter who works over there. However, she wasn't around. We went to old house again after our tea break at KFC but it seemed like nobody was at home.

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