Sunday 25 August 2013

Dishonest Restaurant Servant 19 Aug

*A replacement post for 19 Aug 2013

Mum went to National Heart Institution with brother in law for check up arrangement. Therefore she didn't cook dinner for the day.

At first, we went into a steamboat restaurant which is near to our house. Oh my gosh. The steamboat soup itself already cost 30bucks. We thought of the price was together with the steamboat materials. Eventually we left as it wasn't suit our needs.

We changed to eat at a nearby mamak restaurant for rojak mee and roti canai. The servant's was damn bad. He kept on introducing on the expensive nasi beranyi. Besides, he was dishonest as he wrote in the ordered price list of rojak mee as 5bucks even though it was only 4.50bucks. After asking, then he only changed it. I was sure there were many victims out there. Luckily mum and I did check on it.

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