Monday 19 November 2012

Wedding Invitation

I received a few of wedding invitations this year. I rejected a lot of them due to:

1) He is my secondary school senior. He is a nice guy. We ran activities together and he took care of us a lot. I rejected his Facebook wedding invitation as I wanted to avoid unnecessary questions about my relationship with my ex-girlfriend in the event.

2) She is a pretty girl as we met in annually organized competition during secondary school time. I rejected her Facebook invitation as I don't really knew her and it was weird to be an idiot over there as I don't really know her friends as well.

3) He is a Malay postgraduate study coursemate. I rejected his invitation in Facebook as we were not really know each other.

4) He is my secondary schoolmate. I rejected his invitation in Facebook as we were not really know each other a lot and I will get bored over there if I attend. 
5) He is considered my close buddy in university. We did hang out together quite a lot by that time. Unfortunately, we did not contact with each other after graduation. As in my memory, he never send any personal message via mobile phone or social networking tools. The invitation was not sincere as well and the wedding dinner location is quite far away in north. Therefore, I rejected his invitation via Facebook.

6) She is my primary standard 1-3 good friend. We seldom talked to each other during secondary form 1-5 but we did participated in a competition together for once. We rarely chat online after secondary school graduation. I was hesitate to attend due to my ex-girlfriend is in the attendee list.
Therefore I rejected her invitation in Facebook as well.  

7) One more is pending. I am quite hesitate to go as it is quite far away but he is sincere. After our university graduation, he used to call me asking for my living and he invited me to go to his wedding via phone call. Should I accept or reject him?   

Perhaps the big reason I didn't want to go to these events is I was heart-broken. My heart is pain again...... I don't know what do I want actually...... I am not sure I am jealeous? I am stressed out for marriage urge from the society?

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